Monday, 5 September 2011

sept.4 - election in 3 days....

3 days is the provincial election and it looks like anything could happen - good!
while the greens are down in the polls currently i am sure that once voters see that all the Liberals can do is bribe them with special deals ie. $10000 to hire immigrants and only put the province even deeper into debt and saddle our children with interest payments for our bills OR they see that all the PCs can do is cut taxes on everything to show how much they care and say that trickle down economics, a la Reagan, is the solution to everything is the answer to all evils... well, just look south of the border to see how well that approach to government is working.
what we need is the 3rd way - and we are the 3rd way - all that we truly do differently is everything because we have a different TIME perspective - rather than thinking NOW we are thinking FUTURE - making sure that all our choices - whether about health care, jobs, energy, taxation or the environment will improve the lives of all Ontario citizens in the future.. and if that means a bit of pain now - so be it. Like all good medicine, it sometimes is necessary to swallow the bitter pill to have a better tomorrow.
so vote with your head and your heart - for your kids.

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