Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sept.27 - Leader's Debate Tonight - Sadly, with Mike Schreiner the Green Leader

The leaders debate is tonight.
But the hundreds of thousands of voters who voted Green in the last provincial election will not be represented by Mike Schriener, the Green party leader, tonight at the debate.
Too bad for democracy. Too bad for all those who are undecided voters [the majority!] who are looking for a fresh point of view and place to park their vote and feel good about, instead of voting strategically against 'the bad guys'; a sad trend I hear at the door as I canvas. It seems that most people do not vote for what they want, but against what they do no want. Perhaps, if they really know more about the pragmatic Green approach they could vote FOR something, and feel good about... for more about this see;
Green Party of Ontario calls for democracy in Provincial Leaders’ Debate
Open Letter
An Open Letter to Ontarians


sept.25 - local DEBATES?

I do not know if you have noticed - but there are no local debates scheduled for you, the voter, to see the candidates "live". you may ask, why is that? did no organization think to organize one? or did the candidates not want to attend any organized debates?...
sadly, it looks more likely to be the latter.
First, Osgoode HS gr.12 political science class invited all the candidates to answer questions by the students - only I accepted this kind invitation.
Second, the grade 5 class at Kars Public School wanted a debate with all candidate; once again only I responded with an enthusiastic 'yes' - they never heard a word from the other candidates.
Third, the Osgoode and Greely community associations tried to organize a public debate in Greely for Sept. 28 and once again only I responded, quickly, with a "OF COURSE". The other candidates were either 'too busy' or did not even respond.
Too bad. Too bad for you. Too bad for democracy.
Because, when you come down to it you are voting primarily for a person, not a platform. Platforms change, but the character of a person does not. Want you want is a person you can trust, somebody who will think through the complex issues we face today and come up with pragmatic solutions that are in the best long term interests of ALL voters.
And the only way to really get a sense of character is to meet somebody in person. So, although you will see all candidates on ROGERS TV @ 7 Thurday sept. 29 it is much better to see us all live.
So, if you want to see me 'live' give me an email & I will gladly drop by!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Sept.20 Energy; the lifeblood of our Modern Economy and Way of Life

We Canadians, unlike most of the world, can take it for granted.
Like water, we have LOTS of it; maybe too much for our own good. Because it is so plentyful, and relatively cheap by world standars, we have become sloppy and inefficient with it and taken it for granted.
In particular, Ontario Hydro has been forced for decades to under-charge us for the true cost of maintaining and investing in the long term health of our GRID and our nuclear power stations - both of which have fallen in disrepair and now need massive [ie. many billions] in investment.
It is time to pay the true cost of power and to see that our current reliance on non-renewables will only put good money into an antiquated solution that is approaching its end game; meaning that that the natural gas and uranium we rely upon will only be available cheaply for the next couple of decades. This, when you think about investing in an electical system, is only a blink of the eye.
And there is more to the saga. In Japan, many people want to remove ALL nuclear plants because of teh devastation the earthquake and tsunami did to the Fukashima nuclear plant and resulting long term radiation damage. Here is a quote from today's Asia Times:
 TOKYO - Following the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant six months ago, nine prominent Japanese intellectuals have launched a popular movement that seeks to abolish nuclear power and the closure of all nuclear power plants in Japan.  The group, which includes Nobel literature prize laureate Kenzaburo Oe and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, plans to collect 10 million signatures in support of their proposal for a nuclear-free Japan. On Monday, the group organized a colorful demonstration followed by three vocal protest marches through Tokyo, attracting about 60,000 people.
Germany too is shutting down its nuclear plants.While we Greens would keep our current plants we would NOT invest in new ones but only keep what we have running as we transfer, over the decades, to a electrical system based upon renewables. This will be difficult, expensive and take a long time, but, like all good things, it will LAST for generations and not damage our health, ecosystems or climate.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Sept.15 - Listen to the Green message in a CBC call in about wind farms in north gower

on Sept.15 a resident from North Gower resident, Jean Hillman, asked all nepean-carleton candidates about their views on the wind farm going up in that village. to listen;                                                                    http://www.cbc.ca/allinaday/2011/09/15/listener-election-question-2-wind-farms/   
She liked the Green Party platform response best !

In other election news look forward to news in the EMC news and Metroland newspaper next week about my efforts to promote the Green message. 
It looks like the Liberals are on a winning streak BY avoiding all reference to the defecit and accumulated DEBT - debt that is 10x per capita more than the 'horrible' debt of California whose debt is 'so bad' that many consider them close to bankrupt.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Sept.14 - at the Mayor's Breakfast and after 5 on CBC

good morning!
my day started off early with the Mayor's breakfast where the keynote speaker was D.McGuinty.
I must admit he is an excellent speaker and very compelling and if I did not know some of the details of the issues he addressed I would have been convinced to vote Liberal.... but I do know the details and realize that while he is going in the more or less right direction on many issues the focus on the big corporate approach that shuts out the ordinary, especially rural, citizen and small companies is not healthy for our social fabric. [ie. wind turbines] He also, sadly, is making no admission that the debt is out of control while the fact is that 1/2 of our current deficit [8-10 billion worth, depending upon who you talk to] is simply paying the INTEREST on our debt; meaning that our debt is shackling our ability to deliver services in the future; this is a classic non-sustainable approach which Greens cannot support. We cannot burden our children with our excesses!
After 5 on CBC 1 with Alan Neal all the nepean-carleton candidates will be showcased as they respond the question from a North Gower resident on our positions on the Green Energy Act and wind turbines in particular followed by listener comments; stay tuned!
Now I am off to canvas in Findlay Creek, a new development off Bank Street and Vernon, a cute village on the southeast edge of our huge riding - wish me luck!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Sept.9 - Wind Energy is "blowing" across the election landscape

Wind - it is a part our lives & hopefully part of our energy future.
Yes; politicians seems to have lots of hot air too.
Too bad that although the Liberals have started a good idea with the Green Energy Act they have allowed large corporations to step all over our rural neighbours and destroy their quality of life by putting huge wind turbines only 500m away from homes instead of 2 km as they have mandated in Australia.
Too bad that the PCs would kill green energy when around the world, and especially China of all places, wind turbines are sprouting like mushrooms as countries see peak oil is coming soon.
Too bad that more people cannot understand the Green position the although Wind is our potential friend that, just like hurricanes, too much, too close is a bad thing.
So let's hear it for the Green party position in wind that ONLY communities can own wind farms- they do the financing, they get the contracts from corporations to install and maintain the wind farms and they BENEFIT from the monies earned. You know it is amazing how an 'ugly' turbine becomes beautiful when the profits go into your own pocket.
For more see the Ottawa Citizen editorial board view of the Green approach at
and here are some quotes form

"The Tory candidate in Nepean-Carleton wants a controversial wind farm project slated to be placed in North Gower killed.
Lisa MacLeod, the incumbent for the riding, told the Citizen editorial board that her stand was not only because of her constituents' adamant opposition to the project, but stemmed also from a fundamental objection to Liberal clean energy plan, which she claimed was contributing to high hydro rates in the province.

Kubanek said the Greens also opposed the North Gower project only because they didn't believe in corporate involvement in clean energy production. They believe that wind farm and other renewable energy projects should be undertaken by community groups, not corporations.
"We are convinced that for the next 20, 30, 40 years, we are going to need to have wind and solar energy. The Liberal plan is a great idea, totally flawed execution," he said."

Here is an interesting article about a Chinese company getting a piece of the action:
Chinese wind company eyes Dufferin
This is shaping up to be a key local issue so stay tuned!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

sept.7 - The Election Starts !

Green Party of Ontario Launches largest campaign focused on creating jobs, tackling energy prices and health promotion

Toronto, Ontario – Joined by candidates and supporters at Queen's Park , Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, kicked off the largest campaign in the party’s history.

“We are in fantastic shape for this campaign,” said Mike Schreiner GPO Leader. “As I’ve talked to people in communities across the province, it’s clear to me that politics as usual is not working.  We have Green candidates in each of the 107 ridings across the province ready to give Ontarians a choice for change at Queen’s Park in this election.”

The Green Party’s Five point plan tackles the big issues of our time: the loss of good local jobs, rising energy prices and climate change, and the sustainability of our health care system.

The Green Party is the only party with a plan that:

·         Creates jobs while responsibly managing taxpayers’ money

·         Tackles rising energy prices and puts a stop to subsidizing the wasteful use of energy

·         Focuses on a comprehensive health promotion strategy

“A vote for the other parties will only result in more of the same,” concluded Schreiner. “If you think that  fairness, integrity and respect for our communities belongs at Queen’s Park, we think just like you do.”

The Green Party was the first provincial party to launch their [ https://secure.gpo.ca/sites/secure.gpo.ca/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=34379&qid=502514 ]platform on May 25, offering a bold vision for building a financially, socially and environmentally sustainable Ontario. Since that time the party has polled in contention in tight races across the province.

Capitalizing on the momentum from electing the first Green MP in Canadian history, the Green Party of Ontario is looking forward to an exciting election campaign.

For more on the Green Party plan please visit: [ https://secure.gpo.ca/sites/secure.gpo.ca/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=36611&qid=521576 ] www.itstimeforgreen.ca

Monday, 5 September 2011

sept.4 - election in 3 days....

3 days is the provincial election and it looks like anything could happen - good!
while the greens are down in the polls currently i am sure that once voters see that all the Liberals can do is bribe them with special deals ie. $10000 to hire immigrants and only put the province even deeper into debt and saddle our children with interest payments for our bills OR they see that all the PCs can do is cut taxes on everything to show how much they care and say that trickle down economics, a la Reagan, is the solution to everything is the answer to all evils... well, just look south of the border to see how well that approach to government is working.
what we need is the 3rd way - and we are the 3rd way - all that we truly do differently is everything because we have a different TIME perspective - rather than thinking NOW we are thinking FUTURE - making sure that all our choices - whether about health care, jobs, energy, taxation or the environment will improve the lives of all Ontario citizens in the future.. and if that means a bit of pain now - so be it. Like all good medicine, it sometimes is necessary to swallow the bitter pill to have a better tomorrow.
so vote with your head and your heart - for your kids.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Sept.1 - Issues for Nepean-Carleton

September - my favourite month. Not sure why as I, as a high school teacher, go back to work! Perhaps it is the old song:
"Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow."
It is election time - usually not a time to be slow and mellow - perhaps that is why only political junkies like elections and the rest of us just want to get it over with. This election - let's all - inlcuding me! - slow down, take time to REALLY think and ponder the issues and avoid sound bites, avoid negative advertising and simplistic jingoisms and most importantly say what we are going to DO once elected and DO IT.... slowly, patiently.
So as the song says; follow, follow the Green Party, follow us into a future which we can be proud of, a future where our children and grandchildren can look back at us today and be proud of us because we sacrificed form them.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That love was an ember about to billow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.